Corporate PhilosophyCREATING NEW VALUE

We aim to be a company that can continue to provide new valuethrough our constant evolution and continuous development.
Each and every one of our employees will fulfill their responsibilities to building a bright future as we continue to contribute to society.

Message from the President“Leveraging the strengths of the media conglomerate,
We want to be the best companion for our customers.”

Our goal is to be a one and only construction engineering company for media conglomerates.
Currently, while cultivating into specific fields such as office interiors, broadcasting stations, theme parks, data centers, and production facilities, we are accumulating achievements in services such as design, construction, project management (PM), and construction management (CM), we believe that the possibilities are endless.

Our Goal is to become the best partner for Client (Customer), and
Share the success together.

Corporate Information

Company Outline

Company nameThe SANKEI BLDG TECHNO Co., Ltd.
EstablishmentApril 30, 1971
Capital80,000,000 yen
Number of Employees60 (as of Apr 1, 2024)
AccessTokyo Head Office:
Kandabashi Park Bldg. 2F, 1-19-1, Kandanishikicho, Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo, 101-0054

Osaka Branch Office:
Shin-Osaka Hashimoto Bldg. 3F, 1-2-6, Miyahara, Yodogawa-ku,
Osaka, 532-0003
Areas of Activity
  • Architectural design and building construction management
  • General work related to building construction
  • Maintenance and repair of building facilities
  • Sales of building materials
  • Real estate purchase, sales, rent, management, brokerage, and procurement
  • Design, construction, and contracting for civil engineering works
  • General consulting in relation to market research and business plans, and sales promotion planning and development
  • Agency for promotion and advertisement
  • Other services related to the above
Corporate Affiliate


Tokyo Head Office:

Kandabashi Park Bldg. 2F, 1-19-1, Kandanishikicho, Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo, 101-0054
TEL: +81-3-5577-3001 (representative)

Osaka Branch Office:

Shin-Osaka Hashimoto Bldg. 3F, 1-2-6, Miyahara, Yodogawa-ku,
Osaka, 532-0003
TEL: +81-6-6633-4130 (representative)


Architectural Construction, Interior Construction, Plumbing Works, Electrical Construction, Carpentry work, Plaster Work, Scaffolding, Earthwork and Concret, Mason Work, roofing work,Tiling, Brick/Block construction, steel construction work, Reinforcement Work, Sheet metal Work,glazing work, painting work, waterproofing work, Thermal insulation Work, Fixtures and Fittings, Demolition workLicense Registered by Governor of Tokyo. (Special-6) No. 158609
Fire protection facilities construction workLicense Registered by Governor of Tokyo. (General-6) No. 158609
First Class Licensed Architect OfficeRegistered by Governor of Tokyo. No. 23137
Electrical Works ContractorLicense Registered by Governor of Tokyo. No.2910217
Outdoor AdvertisingLicense Registration for Tokyo Metropolitan Government (1) No. 3078
Real Estate Transaction AgentGovernor of Tokyo (1) No.107876

Corporate Directors

Corporate Directors and Auditor as of June 14, 2024

President & CEO:Akihiro Asahi
Executive Deputy President:Toshinori Abe
Executive Managing Director:Ikuro Suematsu
Managing Director:Masayoshi Saito
Managing Director:Koichi Tajima
Managing Director:Koichi Watanabe
Corporate Auditor:Kenji Tanaka

Corporate Directors

Corporate Officers as of April 1, 2024

President & CEO:Akihiro Asahi
Executive Deputy President:Toshinori Abe
Managing Executive Officer:Ikuro Suematsu
Senior Managing Director:Masayoshi Saito
Senior Managing Director :Koichi Tajima
Senior Managing Director :Hideki Masuda
Senior Managing Officer:Yutaka Ueda
Managing Officer :Kiyotaka Awata


1971AprSankei Shisetsu <Tokyo> established (current SANKEI BLDG TECHNO Tokyo)
OctCommenced operations
1973AprAcquisition of Architectural Construction License (Tokyo)
1977Jun40,000,000 yen capital increase
1983AprFirst Class Licensed Architect Office Registration (Tokyo)
2002SepMerger with Sankei IDEC
Trade name changed to ”SANKEI BLDG TECHNO”
Capitalized at 80,000,000 yen
2009JanBuilding Lots and Buildings Transaction Business registration
2012AprInterior construction work completion for tenants of Diver City
Tokyo office floors
2014DecDesign and interior construction of OHK Okayama Broadcasting’s Town Studio Mirun
2021AprBusiness restructuring slogan, “STARTING OVER51”
2023AprRelocation of Tokyo Head Office